Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Dangers of Ghost Hunting, Gaurav Tiwari

Below is an excerpt from my new book Paranormal Investigator 5 - Death of a Ghost Hunter.  The death of Indian's most famous ghost hunter can illustrate how dangerous ghost hunter and paranormal investigating can be.

-We cannot banish dangers, but we can banish fears. We must not demean life by standing in awe of death. - David Sarnoff

On July 7, 2016, Gaurav Tiwari, founder and lead investigator of the Indian Paranormal Society died under very unusual circumstances. Guests in his home heard a thud come from a bathroom occupied by Tiwari, followed by the sounds of the door rattling as if someone were trying to open it, but it remained closed. After approximately an hour, a guest went to check on Tiwari. When he did not respond after three knocks on the door, guests broke the door down and discovered Tiwari unconscious on the floor, eyes bulging, gasping for breath. He was rushed to the hospital where he died a short time later. The only visible marking on his body at the time of his death was a deep black mark on his neck. Ghost hunters and paranormal experts alike agree that this type of mark denotes an act of revenge by evil spirits in distress. To date, no cause of death has been identified for Tiwari.
Those who are involved in investigating paranormal matters open themselves up to a number of dangers, spiritual, physical, and otherwise. In particular, those who are involved in ridding dwellings or people of unwanted spiritual activity or attachment are susceptible to often violent attacks from entities who are angry at their interference. Physical attacks are common. Investigators are often scratched, burned, bitten, hit, choked, etc, and in some cases the harm is much more severe, resulting in hospitalization or, in the most extreme cases, death.

Attacks can also come in the form of possession, with the spirit choosing to turn its attentions on the investigator rather than the victim the investigator is attempting to help. When this happens, the investigator's entire family can be affected, as the entity can invade their home and become violent while working to possess its new victim.
It is also common for spirits to attack the mental or physical health of the paranormal investigator. Many an investigator has been forced to give up their profession after becoming mentally or physically incapacitated due to spiritual attack.
For those who are skeptical about the world of the supernatural, these claims may seem less than valid. However, for those whose lives have been directly affected by entities from the Other Side, the dangers of being a ghost hunter are terrifyingly real. 

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